Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Day 3

Todays lecture was about media its definitions and modern studies mainly the study of the internet and the web in relation to communication to the masses.

Communication as a study area has been developing in America and Europe since the 1920's.
In America it was lot about psychology and the effects of the media on people, i.e advertising and how well advertising worked. In the 1960's, Marshall McLuhan developed a "revolutionary" study and the ratio between the individual and physical senses, and how they interact. then in the 70's it became more about mixed effects of media and communication on people. E.g., if the news keeps telling you of crime and criminal acts, is there a high crime rate or are you lead to believe that there is.

While in Europe at the same time there was a slightly different view on media and communication. In the 1950's, Guy Debord came up with the following thesis, "In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation" which is kind of like an intense version of people watching, everybody watching everything that everybody else does. This is relative in modern times with Big Brother and reality television. Following that in the 1960's a man called Hambermas, developed a notion that the public sphere of communication like talking over the paper in a coffee house, became commercialised and was sort of a publication of private events. This can be related to modern internet chat rooms and some of the views the are shown on the news or even talk shows. Then there was Baudrillard in the 1980's who real world events were being simulated, we could go beyond what is actually happening and be told what is happening, because we are too involved in information and technology to know the difference. They say you can thank Baudrillard for the concept of the matirx.

With the emergence of the internet and the web, takes the study of communications to the next level, studying communication on the web. How people perceive the web, is it a help or hindrance to our lives. People are studying different aspects of the internet and the web. Research being down into how people interact socially on the web, the good ways catching up with old friend and the bad ways of people pretending to be something they are not. Also people studying the cultural effects of the web, how people from different cultures can interact or if certain cultures don't allow for web use so are those people missing out on something.

Its quite interesting to see how all these things are studied and related to life. It has become a time when you can communicate in multiple ways. But there is still the fact that people can make up whatever they want on the web, and its out there and someone could easily take it to be Gospel if they do not research the text fully.

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